Fine art wedding photographer Italy – Elena & Giulio – Vicenza

Fine Art Wedding Photographer – Vicenza – Italy – Tenuta Le Forge Montecchio Precalcino

fine art wedding photographer Italy

Fine art wedding photographer Italy – The Wedding of Elena & Giulio in Vicenza, Tenuta Le Forge. A fine art, old fashioned, photo editing.

Although it is not exactly the kind of day that a couple wishes for their wedding ceremony, to the photographer’s eye a dull day is rich in charm and poetry. Cloudy skies, rain, and soft colours endow the event with a romantic, intimist atmosphere which, when correctly interpreted, gives the wedding photos a characteristic, unique  charm. Elena and Giulio refused to be deterred by the unfavourable forecast and spent a very cheerful day in light hearted celebration with friends and relatives at Tenuta Le Forge, in Montecchio Precalcino, province of Vicenza. A bright sun and blue sky could not have made this fantastic wedding  more joyful.

I wanted to emphasize the atmosphere and colours of this day by means of a very particular editing technique, outside the traditional wedding photography norms, and deriving from research and experimentation that I had already employed  in the past, but had to perfect on this occasion in order to obtain perfect stylistic homogeneity of all the images in the service. This was not easy, due to different environmental, lighting and atmospheric conditions in which each photo was taken.

I believe this particular kind of “fine art editing” has provided the photos with an important additional value. Just imagine these photos printed on precious fine-art paper that enhances their vintage quality and old fashioned style: the result is absolutely artistic and spectacular! This stylistic approach is at times adopted for portraits or still life images, but it is quite a complex matter to apply it to an entire, well-constructed  photographic service like a wedding. it results in a sort of timeless memory…destined to last in time. It is something unique and different, which can make up the whole wedding album or be used for a limited number of prints to be preserved in a separate casket to complement the album. Only for conoisseurs!